
Showing posts from October, 2024

Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

leaving is complete/photos-tricks117

So I went to on my PC and there in settings was the setting that I was told and where I could delete my account. Why they don't have that on the mobile app I don't know- it might be something that they want to consider in the future.. One thing I did like about this platform is that at the top of my timeline was a scripture, but what I didn't like is that there was no reference to where the scripture was found. There was also one spelling mistake that was never changed even though I pointed it out. This is not a big deal I'm just saying things that I didn't like about it. What I did really like is that the reactions had like prayer hands and a Bible stuff like that so that was cool, but just like every other platform people only use those things if at all and don't use any words. I suppose it would be handy in the future for social media platforms to have in the comment section different sentences, rather than emojis that people who are hurried can...

social media is so annoying/going to delete my account with Lords Book

So a while ago I signed up for a social media site called Lord's Book. I always try these different social media sites to see what they're like, but it always ends up to be the same. Now the problem I'm having is that it allowed me out and I can't log in - it claims that my password is incorrect, but I know it's correct because it's the only password I've used so far and I had it automatically stored. It's just annoying. They are supposed to send me a code so that I can log in and change my password but I have yet to receive this code even though it's been over 15 minutes now. So as soon as I can get in I'm going to delete my account. I have already emailed them my lament and that they can delete my account. This social media isn't much different than all the others where people don't really have time for it and so they don't really interact. I think a lot of it has to do with my content - they're just not interested in it. They w... is going to be deleted soon

I have contacted Lord's once again to have them delete my account because I could not find it in settings after I was finally able to log in after receiving the code- I received the code that I requested 24 hours before and the one I requested now at the same time.. I'm not interested in this headache. I don't get on social media to deal with this crap. So while it was a nice idea it's the same as others no response from people who are following me. What's strange is that most of the people that were following me were men and they did not even interact with me at all. I don't understand how people can just look and not respond to Bible posts. So that's okay I tried social media and it is not for me. So while I do enjoy posting pictures on Instagram, I will eventually have to figure out something else. I suppose it's possible that I end up paying for storage and then I can post pictures on here.  Anyway still and I lead worship today. Part of me ...


The Democrats want to control every state. They don't think it should be up the states to allow or disallow abortion.  Walz can't keep his words straight. First he said it's up to women, then he complains that Trump wanted each state to decide.