
Showing posts with the label Scriptures

Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-3

We must be strong in the Lord. Let's continue to honor him by showing his character everywhere. No matter what we're doing, no matter who we talk to, no matter if we're driving or walking, or riding bike, let's show the love of Jesus! We don't want people to only see the condemning side of Christianity,c we want them to see love. Study the scriptures! Jesus simply asked questions to gain a connection to people. To the fisherman he asks,  "Have you caught any fish?" To the woman at the well he asks, "Please woman, give me a drink." To the men walking he asks, "Where are you going?" All of these people had one thing in common, they were sinners in need of salvation. It is a good idea to not burn bridges before they are even built.  DROPS Tamara Chaos YouTube channel Link: Tamara Chaos is an Ordained Minister /Coffee Lover/Singer/Former Martial Artist/Actress New Episode every Friday at 7 pm EST DROPS is ...

Haggai 2:14-16

‭Haggai‬ ‭2:14‭-‬16‬ ‭NLT‬ [14] Then Haggai responded, “That is how it is with this people and this nation, says the Lord. Everything they do and everything they offer is defiled by their sin. [15] Look at what was happening to you before you began to lay the foundation of the Lord’s Temple. [16] When you hoped for a twenty-bushel crop, you harvested only ten. When you expected to draw fifty gallons from the winepress, you found only twenty.  In other news- I'm currently studying about the mark of the beast. Fascinating! I'm working on gathering research for my next video. Though this video will be focusing on the marks of Jesus and the beast, other parts of Revelation are so heartwarming like when Jesus is revealed in heaven and he comes as a bride. A choir sings and only 144 k people know the song.  It is a choice to accept the mark of the beast and worship the statue that was made out of the resurrected beast. Let's stay strong and trust the Lord, even if it ...

Then he showed me another vision. I saw the Lord standing..

 ‭‭Amos‬ ‭7:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬ [7] Then he showed me another vision. I saw the Lord standing beside a wall that had been built using a plumb line. He was using a plumb line to see if it was still straight.   #scripture #bibleoninstagram #God #bible #Godisgood  DROPS Tamara Chaos YouTube channel Link: Tamara Chaos is an Ordained Minister /Coffee Lover/Singer/Former Martial Artist/Actress Married to the most amazing, intelligent man and production partner.  More about Tamara Chaos: Tamara is completely dedicated to the Lord and spreading the gospel everywhere possible. Romans 1:16  There is no better way to live except with Christ.  New Episode every Friday at 7 pm EST  DROPS is an American weekly show talking about different topics of the Bible. 2023 is the beginning of the first season. The first episode aired Jan 6th, 2023. You might also enjoy:  Fanatic: Everyw...

God's eye is on the Sparrow and you

‭Matthew‬ ‭10:28‬ ‭NLT‬ [28]  “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  [30] And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. [31] So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. DROPS Tamara Chaos YouTube channel Link: Tamara Chaos is an Ordained Minister /Coffee Lover/Singer/Former Martial Artist/Actress Married to the most amazing, intelligent man and production partner.  More about Tamara Chaos: Tamara is completely dedicated to the Lord and spreading the gospel everywhere possible. Romans 1:16  There is no better way to live except with Christ.  New Episode every Friday at 7 pm EST  DROPS is an American weekly show talking about different topics of the Bible. 2023 is the beginning of the first season. The first episode aired Jan 6th, 2023. You might also enjoy:  Fanatic: htt...

Joel 2:28 encourages connecting with God

The time is get right with God is now. God is always open to meeting you. Ask Jesus to come into your life so that you can have eternal life, not eternal death.  DROPS episode Friday 10-27-23 "What does the Bible say about tattoos?  DROPS Tamara Chaos YouTube channel Link: Tamara Chaos is an Ordained Minister /Coffee Lover/Singer/Former Martial Artist/Actress Married to the most amazing, intelligent man and production partner.  More about Tamara Chaos: Tamara is completely dedicated to the Lord and spreading the gospel everywhere possible. Romans 1:16  There is no better way to live except with Christ.  New Episode every Friday at 7 pm EST  DROPS is an American weekly show talking about different topics of the Bible. 2023 is the beginning of the first season. The first episode aired Jan 6th, 2023. Inside this video:  So many people have different ideas on whether or not Christians can have tattoos. Let's take a ...

All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance.

"But now I am going away to the one who sent me, and not one of you is asking where I am going. Instead, you grieve because of what I've told you. But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don't, the Advocate won't come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgment. 9 The world's sin is that it refuses to believe in me. Righteousness is available because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more. 11 Judgment will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged.‭Isaiah‬ ‭60:3‬ ‭NLT‬ [3] All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance. DROPS Tamara Chaos YouTube channel Link: Tamara Chaos is an Ordained Minister /Coffee Lover/Singer/Former Martial Artist/Actress Married to the most amazing, intelligent man and production partner.  More about Tamar...

Destroy anything that prevents you from following God

It can be so easy to be distracted and fall away from following God. It's important to stay connected to the scriptures everyday. It reminds me of a rope. The more there's tension on the rope, the more likely it's going to snap. Thankfully with God's help, it becomes whole again and he can bring you back like a boomerang. Stay strong by staying connected to God all the time.  Tamara Chaos will be releasing a new song this Thanksgiving. At the same time, Tamara will also be singing Missing Pages by Seventh Day Slumber and No Hopeless Soul by Stephen Stanley.  Here are the lyrics for In The Darkness When you're walking through the dark/a path so dark it's hard/ to see where you're going/always stumbling/always falling Life seems to hopeless/like an arrow without a way/never know when the arrow/will strike a target But there is one who knows/there is one who cares/ There is one who will help light your path/ He's the one who died for...

Reconciliation (DROPS S. 1 EP 12)

This movie is based in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.  It can be very difficult to reconcile with someone who has hurt us really badly. It takes both parties to participate and sometimes that just isn’t what the outcome is going to be. This is very unfortunate. But there is one kind of relationship that can be resolved because both parties, that is, if you are willing, will participate. That is your relationship with God. Please join us as we discuss this very delicate topic. We also invite you to comment in the comment area your thoughts. Reconciliation: Reconciliation on YouTube   Reconciliation Podcast on YouTube

Walking in Darkness

Walking in Darkness  Click this link to listen.  Sometimes even Christians walk in darkness don't you agree? It can be easy to get lost because we don't understand a scripture or don't know what to do in a certain situation.