How to Be Fantastic Leader
How To Be a Fantastic Leader: There are many aspects to being an effective leader. Here are some tips that can help you grow to be a leader everyone loves. 1. Be Responsible It is frustrating when leaders wait until the last minute to arrange an activity or the layout of an event. Yes, sometimes last minute arrangements do work out, but not always. Not everyone likes last minute (very few do) and it can get frustrating. 2. Respect Others and Their Roles You have a job to do, so does everyone else involved. A lot of people want to prepare before a big event and one can't if they have to rely on the leader to do their part first. 3. Involve The Other Members of The Team Have you ever heard the saying "There is no I in the word team? That is so true. Being a leader doesn't mean only your thoughts and ideas are implemented. Ask others too for their input. If they get mad because their ideas are never chosen, that's on them. People should be allowed to give input....