Does the Bible forbid tattoos?
We are going to look at Leviticus 19:28: “Do not cut your bodies for the dead and do not mark on your skin with tattoos, I am the Lord your God.” I have read a lot of things regarding this topic, and I do believe that it is one that no one really knows exactly how God feels about it, but one thing is clear, it was a big practice with the pagan religions. I have read that we are the holy temple of God, and we should not deface it, but I am not sure that is very strong argument. It makes out like people who get tattoos are graffiti artists committing a crime, and I am not a fan of that. It used to be, in ancient Greece, that tattoos were a form of punishment. Yeah, you see, tattoos were tattooed unto criminal’s faces to display the crime they committed. This way, they would be labeled with their crime and they would be able to be caught should they escape. And also, they would still be punished even after they escaped. But then this practice was banned in 330...