
Showing posts with the label We Cry Out

Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

DROPS Season 1 Episode 10 "Anxious Heart"

  When I heard the song by Jeremy Camp called Anxious Heart on the radio, it reminded me of a message I had shared a couple of years ago called Anxiety. I decided I wanted to repackage that message and share it again, but then I realized, it was not very well written.  Watch Anxious Heart on Youtube! So, I rewrote it and I think this way it makes more sense.  What do you do when you’re feeling anxious? The best way to deal with anxiety is to pray. I do this most of the time. It is human nature to want to solve our problems our way. We think it won’t be solved unless we put in the effort. This is true in one way. Listen to Anxious Heart On Spotify! Our problems or whatever is causing anxiety, won’t just disappear. It won’t disappear even with prayer. We must put in effort. But the difference is, the feeling of putting in effort with God and without God, are vastly different. With God, we can have a sense of calm, without God, we are super anxious and think we must solve th...

We Cry Out music video

We Cry Out"  We Cry Out DROPS music 2023  Lyrics by: Tamara Chaos Individual Tracks: Pixabay Video/Sound Editor, Director and Producer: Tamara Chaos Download on Soundcloud BuskerFest 2023.  BuskerFest Fort Wayne, Indiana Kilted Colin, Disney princesses (Jasmine and Belle?)  and various musical artists.  Some background music is from YouTube: Awaken Baroque Coffee House Bounce House Bounce It  Foundation May 21st, 2023  It was so cool to walk around and see some attendees dressed up in Cosplay gear. They had a lot of nice things to view here. We enjoyed the costumes and the Taiko drummers. They also had anime drawing, Heiku writers, and a guitarist. Cherry Blossom Festival