Personal Trainer
S. 1 E. 3
Personal Trainer-Air Date 1-27-23
Happy New
Year everyone! A brand-new year. A brand-new year to start new habits. The big
habit that many try to start is going to the gym. It can be hard to stick with this new habit if
people don’t have a good support system. If they don’t get encouragement from
those close to them, it can be hard to keep up the motivation. This is a lot
like our Christian faith. It can be hard to keep wanting to keep the faith
strong if we don’t have others to help encourage us. Jesus emphasized this a
lot. He emphasized that it was important for his disciples to stay connected to
each other. It takes hard work and dedication to accomplish any goal. We can be
each other’s personal trainer, and the Holy Spirt is everyone’s personal
trainer. Those who are advanced in their faith can help those who are not as
far along. We can inspire each other. It
is also the responsible of everyone to do what it takes to grow in the faith.
We need to study the scriptures, we need to make a choice, are we going to just
ride in the cab or are we going to drive ourselves? Are we going to just listen
to what the pastor says or are we going to study for ourselves to make sure the
pastor is preaching from the gospel?
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