This is how I feel sometimes. I talk, I write, I sing, is anyone listening? I show my exercise, do I inspire anyone? Sure, absolutely, I know I'm doing it for God and that keeps me going, but it is nice to hear back from people. Comments are very important to people who do things like me. Not emojis! Emojis hardly convey anything. Sure, I love emojis as much as the next person, but words have SO much more meaning. People go on and on, if you're feeling lonely or need help, reach out. What good is this if no one answers? Know what that feels like? Rejection. Yes, Christians aren't supposed to feel rejected, oh wait, I'm sorry, that's only me, I'm not allowed. I'm not allowed to express anger or hurt feelings, because the person didn't intend to do that, so, I shouldn't feel that way. I will let you in on a secret, I do feel that way sometimes, and it's ok. God accepts me just the way I am, no matter if I have BPD or not. But as this ...
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