Social Media

There are some things I like about social media, but for the most part I don't like social media. It seems like it's so busy that people miss a lot of things, or they are too busy to really engage with people. That's why on Facebook they made the quick drive by (scroll by) like button. But then they added emotions that you can use because "like" isn't always appropriate. People don't engage with each other anymore. Instagram has a quick double tap feature to make it even easier to drive by show appreciation for posts. My posts get about an average of 1 (mine) to 4 likes. Woohoo! 
I really love blogger. I wouldn't mind making this my only social media platform. (I get about the same amount of engagement as other platforms.) I really like the format of making posts in it. It looks like other platforms when I'm scrolling through my posts. 

I've never really had the ability to relate to the general public. I've been on Twitter since 2007 and I have the least amount of engagement than any other platform. I don't see this changing anytime soon. For the most part, the little engagement doesn't really matter to me, but there are times when I really wanted to hear from a business. 

I don't have a lifestyle that appeals to many people. I love editing videos, cats, the Bible, Avakin Life and doing things with Phil. I don't have little kids to share pictures of or what they're doing in school. I don't have a top of the line job or a retail job to speak of, but I do consider my videos my:

1. Education 
2. My job, I just don't get paid. 

I'm working for the Lord. The payment is hopefully reaching them with God's message. I'm learning how to use a green screen. I'm getting really good at it. I'm learning all by myself. I have been practicing and making mistakes like Elon Musk, but I'm learning and getting better and better. 
I'm doing things in my videos that many people go to school for. Some people judge me based on my work 2 or 3 years ago, but I've improved a ton since then. 

Chains Will be Broken will be coming out soon. (Movie) 
I gave a message at church about the Woman at the Well, so I'll be sharing that soon. This will be the next DROPS episode. It will be # 9. Here is a playlist of the other episodes. DROPS Season 1

 My mom and I sang a duet at church, and so I'll be sharing that too soon. It will be part of my DROPS music series. 

Well, I must go now. I'm making DVDs of Chains Will Be Broken, plus getting the next DROPS episode ready. I also need to update IMDB. I probably won't get it all done today. I probably don't have to rush with the DROPS episode, but I'm excited. I also want to edit the duet my mom and I did. 


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