Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

Sweet Lavender Latte!

It's time for a sweet Lavender Latte at the Light House Coffee Bar located in the Catalyst gym. 
Spring is here even tho the temperature outside tells a different story. 
Its 43 degrees F outside today with a drizzle here and there. I was at the gym and then when I went out to my car it started to sprinkle a tad.

Chains Will be Broken is all complete. Here is a trailer: 

I've been burning DVDs of it. When I went this morning to check on one of them, I saw this. 
Silly kitty. So other than burning DVDs, I'll be working on other videos in between. Stay tuned. The Woman at the Well-A Voice for the Marginalized, In Christ Alone Performance is ready, and there is a song I'm working on. It will be published depending on results. 
