Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

DROPS Season 1 Episode 2 "Represent"


Represent-I think it is interesting how this version uses the word represent. When we represent something, it is a good idea to be the best representative we can be. 

We are showing others what something is about when we represent it. For instance, when a company has a spokesperson is expected to be a representative of that company, they must conduct themselves in a certain way. They must dress the part. 

The same goes for Christianity. I hear from so many people that have completely rejected church or even the aspect of Christianity because of how they were treated. Whomever they had contact with were not good representatives of Christ. 

Christ is all loving. Christ doesn’t look for faults in others. He knows about them sure because he is all knowing, but he doesn’t try to rub them in people’s faces. Everyone has a purpose to God.
