Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

Inspire others to shine instead of making yourself shine

I really love this meme because it's something I've always been adamant about. Everything I do should not be about me. Now, that isn't to say we shouldn't care for ourselves. That's not what I'm saying, but we can shine a spotlight on others and make them feel special. This is especially important for those who aren't quite a professional yet at their craft, but are trying. I see so many people downplay others just because they aren't as good as they think they should be. Give them time to improve and even if they don't, let them enjoy their craft anyway. Give them opportunities to try. 

A new song will be coming out this Thanksgiving. I'm really excited about this song. There are so many different aspects to it. 
Here are the lyrics: 

When you're walking through the dark/a path so dark it's hard/ to see where you're going/always stumbling/always falling
Life seems to hopeless/like an arrow without a way/never know when the arrow/will strike a target

But there is one who knows/there is one who cares/
There is one who will help light your path/
He's the one who died for you/so you can live forever/and live with joy in your heart/

Are you looking I'm right here/
Are you watching I'm in fear/
In fear I can't be seen/
My helper/my Savior
Hear my cries/my whispers/my whispers in the dark/

 But there is one who knows/there is one who cares/
There is one who will help light your path/
He's the one who died for you/so you can live forever/and live with joy in your heart/



MEWE : Tamara Chaos

