john 19:1-2

John 19: 
Jesus Sentenced To Death
Then Pilate had Jesus flogged with a lead tip whip. Verse 2 the soldiers wolf a crown of thorns and put it on their head and they put a purple robe on him.

I think these days Jesus would have been put in a mental institution. He might even get the electric chair and for what crime? Nothing. They would find random things to charge him with. Who knows? 

All the time I'm more and more convinced that things happened exactly at the time frame that they needed to happen. It used to be that a lot of people would follow the Jewish law but then Jesus came and changed that that people no longer had to follow the Jewish law. They no longer had to make animal sacrifices to him. Times changed with the new covenant. When Jesus returns they'll be a new covenant and the final covenant. 

I've been working on my Christmas concert coming soon Dec. 25th, 2023. 
The lineup is 
1. I Speak Jesus
2. In the Darkness
3. What Child is This? 
4. Missing Pages
5. No Hopeless Soul
I auditioned for You, God's Music


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