filmed chapter 3 of Why I Am A Christian

This morning we filmed chapter 3 of my book, "Why I Am A Christian." I thought it went pretty well. 
I plan to post it as soon as possible. The parts are edited, but now I'm going to color it. I think it's nice to talk about stuff like this because it puts the current life into perspective. It seems like these days, so many things are better than they were. Church is better, marriage is better, relationship with God is better. Tomorrow is Friday, March 15th. If it is ready, I'll post it then. 
Now I will start putting together the other scenes for the upcoming book called "A Passion for Jesus." I am so excited for this new series. I'm taking a different approach on my videos now. 
Instead of doing them pastoral style, which I did very much enjoy, I'm going to do a different style of sharing how God is working in my life and what I have learned. For instance, chapter one of the new series will be talking about how I approach each day now. Taking a more relaxed stance. There are many different aspects to the new video and I hope you enjoy. 
This is an example ..

Well, today will be a very busy day at work today, so I think I'll get going..


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