sunday morning worship time
Phil and I are once again going to lead worship. I'm usually not nervous, but since we are doing a new song, I'm a little anxious. But I trust God. I did have a little trouble sleeping last night. When I was first going to go to sleep, our neighbors were noisy. One was coming home and another car was in the way, so he honked and went in to get him to move his car. Then the car that had to move, went back into place.
So, I'm sure everything will be fine. I've been listening to the songs we're going to do a lot. Well, 2 of them anyway. The 3rd is Amazing Grace, so that's pretty familiar. The others are as follows:
So, I'm sure everything will be fine. I've been listening to the songs we're going to do a lot. Well, 2 of them anyway. The 3rd is Amazing Grace, so that's pretty familiar. The others are as follows:
So all for the glory of God.
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