Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

facebook adds a new feature

Facebook added a new feature where we can make a profile similar to our basic starting account, except more freedom when it comes to changing names. I imagine that this would really come in handy if people are into roleplaying or cosplaying-they can easily set up an identity without having to fill out the entire enrollment form again. So, maybe in a sense, that's what I'm doing. It is a Tamara Chaos profile. I have plans to change my old fb account to my birth name again. I probably won't use it, but I don't want people to mix it up with this profile I've created. I have no friends and I don't follow anyone and that's how I'm going to do it. I have moved all the other social media icons to the very last page on my phone. I'm hoping that eventually, I will fill my time with so many things that I won't even think about social media. This is what other people do I think-that's why they often take days to text me back. It gives me the impression that I don't mean much to them. I know I've failed in returning texts immediately, but I have learned this behavior from those to do it to me. So, here we are. I am just so thankful I have a job again. I now have something offline I can take pride in. 

Now this afternoon, I must download pictures and videos from Google photos to save space. That will be my afternoon plan. 

One thing I really love about this blog is the option to add labels. If I'm looking for a post, this will be very handy. FB used to have a similar feature under activity, but as usual, they have now made that option stupid. 

There. I have now changed my original Facebook account to my birth name and that is it. I will not be using it anymore. I have to keep it though because I have a couple of things tied to it. That account owns the group called I Love Second Life, which I do not do anything with anymore. It has a ton of members. I guess I will just keep this stuff, but just not use it. I also made it so no one can post to that profile. Well, I really must be going now-I still need to pack my lunch. I can't wait until Thursday. We will be filming the last scenes for A Passion for Jesus.
