Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

leave taylor swift alone

I'm not saying this because I'm a fan of Taylor Swift, trust me, it's not my style of music at all, but let me say this. Leave Taylor Swift alone. As Christians, we are supposed to look past what we don't like about someone and see what God has created. Whether she believes in God or not, she's still one of his creations. There are millions of artists in this world. Some are deemed good because of their songs, messages or lifestyles-that's what we can see. Taylor Swift has not once proclaimed that she was a godly artist or simply an artist that made wholesome songs. We can look at each other and think, oh, that person is not acting in accordance to the Bible. Is Taylor Swift a threat to youth? Maybe, maybe not. But hear this, the more Christians complain about her, the more people are going to flee as far away from Christianity as possible? Did Jesus go to people and say, oh, wait till you hear the things I know about this woman, let me tell you. And oh, I heard a fantastic story about this guy . If you don't want your kids listening to her, then tell them that. Why does this bother you? Have a conversation. Kids are going to respect you more if you explain why something offends you. I've watched several videos and was not I'm offended at all. A little surprised that a couple had profanity, but compared to some artists who can't make a sentence unless it's laden with profanity, she's pretty tame. She's even dressed most of the time. Stop looking for wrongs people are doing and focus on your own relationship with God. Be an example of Christ. We can't say God loves you while at the same time backstabbing artists that offend us.
