how big was the boat that noah had to build? How many animals came with them?

‭Genesis 6:14-16 NLT‬
[14] “Build a large boat from cypress wood and waterproof it with tar, inside and out. Then construct decks and stalls throughout its interior. [15] Make the boat 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. [16] Leave an 18-inch opening below the roof all the way around the boat. Put the door on the side, and build three decks inside the boat—lower, middle, and upper.

‭Genesis 6:19-21 NLT‬
[19] Bring a pair of every kind of animal—a male and a female—into the boat with you to keep them alive during the flood. [20] Pairs of every kind of bird, and every kind of animal, and every kind of small animal that scurries along the ground, will come to you to be kept alive. [21] And be sure to take on board enough food for your family and for all the animals.”

‭Genesis 6:20-21 NLT‬
[20] Pairs of every kind of bird, and every kind of animal, and every kind of small animal that scurries along the ground, will come to you to be kept alive.
[21] And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.

‭Genesis 7:2-4, 6 NLT‬
[2] Take with you seven pairs—male and female—of each animal I have approved for eating and for sacrifice, and take one pair of each of the others. [3] Also take seven pairs of every kind of bird. There must be a male and a female in each pair to ensure that all life will survive on the earth after the flood. [4] Seven days from now I will make the rains pour down on the earth. And it will rain for forty days and forty nights, until I have wiped from the earth all the living things I have created.”
[6] Noah was 600 years old when the flood covered the earth.

‭Genesis 7:2-4 KJV‬
[2] Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. [3] Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth. [4] For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
‭Genesis 8:19 NLT‬

[19] And all of the large and small animals and birds came out of the boat, pair by pair.


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