new phone

I have received my new phone. So far I really like it. It is a Motorola g power 5G which I got for a discount. So far it seems like it was pretty easy to set everything up. It mostly copied everything from my old phone, so then it was just a matter of logging into the accounts. It seems to be fast and responsive which I appreciate. So I've been getting ready to film the next scene for a passion for Jesus, basically chapter 2, which is called The Right Jesus. I've been busy writing down the next message in the journal. I think this is one of my favorite messages I've ever done. It just speaks so much of what I have been thinking about for a long time, but pretty much didn't know how to express it.
I'm basically talking about how we need to have grace with people who are just learning how to do Christianity. There's a lot of people that reject Jesus because they have been given an image that is incorrect of Jesus. And so hopefully my actions will show the right Jesus. I'll have to see how much when I'm sitting in that cafe that we can get of this message read, if it's a little too long for that part of the video, I'll have to have her read the rest of it in a different space. I might try to put her in the hotel room, but I would really like to be sitting at a pool. Of course I don't know if she would really want to be out in the open after being chased by Opal Syndicate. I would imagine she would want to hide somewhere, so maybe the hotel room, or maybe I can figure out something else. I don't think there are many forests or woods in Mexico. I don't think I would want to be in an alley either, so I don't know maybe the hotel room. 


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