a passion for jesus chapters 1, 2 and starting 3
A Passion for Jesus
Zayna looks over her shoulder to see if anyone is following her. It’s been a rough ordeal. She’s been on the run for months, trying to escape the throes of Opal Syndicate. Oh, where to begin about Opal Syndicate? They have a mission to eliminate every source of the gospel message. They don’t want anyone hearing the saving message of the gospel. The gospel that can save lives. The gospel that loves. The gospel that shows love, not condemnation. So, they plan to destroy every Bible and any other publication. But the power of God is strong. The power of God can defeat any foe. The faith of a mustard seed is all one needs to be successful. Zayna will trust God to see her safe.
Chapter 1:
Nestled deep in the Acacia Woods is a cave taken over by a Christian group called Positive Light. They are a pro-Christian group that is dedicated to spreading the gospel. Zayna stumbled upon this cave and ran off with a journal that Positive Light stole from a rebel group called the Opal Syndicate. The Opal Syndicate stole it because they didn’t want anything to do with the Bible spreading around and sending a message of peace, love and compassion to their people. They didn’t want their people influenced. Come enjoy this epic adventure. Welcome to a Passion for Jesus.
It was now that Phil noticed that there was an intruder in their cave. Not knowing whether anything was stolen or not, he started commanding that surveillance be initiated.
Zayna begins running as fast as she can to her cave. She carefully runs down the trail, making sure to avoid anything that could slow her down. Finally, she reaches the marker that indicates she’s near her own cave where no one will be able to find her. She launches herself inside and closes the gate fast and hard. She can barely catch her breath, but she makes her way deep into the cave safely.
Zayna recovered after 15 minutes of resting and made some hot coffee. She pulled the journal from her black bag and began reading.
Entry 1.
I started working at a fitness center Sept. of 2023. I really like it because every day I can experience a sense of accomplishment. It gives me a purpose in life. I feel like I am appreciated not only by the boss, but fellow employees and members of the gym.
One thing I really like about it is being able to spend hours listening to sermons, podcasts or audiobooks. I typically get very inspired by them. They help guide my biblical thinking, encourage me and give me ideas on how I want to shape my life and YouTube channel. I gain insight on living an effective spiritual life-learning from others who have gone on before me.
What inspired this chapter of my book particularly was a book called, “Walking with God” by John Eldridge.
The author noted that he often had the personality of “attacking the day.” This describes me to a T. I have been taking measures of my life and my YouTube channel differently already, but this brought the concept to now have a phrase to name it. It now has a label, ATTACK! (insert attack video here)
There is a famous saying, “Seize the Day!” “Carpe Diem!” According to google, it is a phrase that literally means “Pluck the Day.” It claims a free translation might be “Enjoy yourself while you have the chance.” For me, that free translation could be said, “Enjoy this activity before it has to be abruptly interrupted by something else.”
It is 4:25 pm on Wednesday. 28th, 2024 and I am sitting at the kitchen table, sipping hot chocolate and writing this essay. I am waiting until it is time to consume a light dinner and we have to Lenten services at church. Yes, I used the word “have.” I know that some have chosen to not use the word “have,” but rather use the word “get” because otherwise it feels like a chore. It doesn’t feel like a chore, I just wish there was something in the service I could relate to. But either way, I attend with a joyful attitude regardless. Phil, my husband, has the task of running the Facebook live.
Anyway, back to the essay. I really would get up every morning ready to attack the day, as if it was attacking me back and I was defending myself. I had so many things I wanted to get done, but it is more realistic to realize that not everything has to get done THIS MINUTE. I really would get up and attack the day, but I have chosen a different approach now. I am going to change to be more relaxed and patient.
The other day when I was driving home from work, I saw 3 teens hanging out in a field, chatting, as if they didn’t have a care in the world besides enjoying each other’s company. It was not surprising as this week it was 50 degrees one day and 70 degrees on this day. -Then it was 27 Haha! I started how long has it been since I have just hung out? Not have an agenda, just hang out? I am going to try to put this back in my life. It was 70 degrees, but then that night we had a severe thunderstorm. It woke me up at 3 am. Lightning, thunder, rain, hail-it started at 9 pm and then again 3 am, with each session lasting only a few minutes. You would think I would be tired and annoyed at the interruption, but I am not. Despite being woken at 2:30 am the previous morning because it was too hot in the room. But I am not annoyed, I am thankful to God for his wonderful, spectacular show he put on. David often praised God for his wonders.
Psalm 99:1, Psalm 77:14, Ps. 29:3-4, Job 32:2-6 1 Sam. 2:10 Psalm 77:18, Revelation 14:2 -There are many others I’m sure, but these are the ones I will list now.
So I thank God for his majestic show. Now back to attacking the day. I have been in the process of sorting things out, so that in the future I can less attacking the day and more embracing the day. Savoring the day.
Chapter 2:
ATC: “United 123, clear for takeoff, runway 27L”
Pilot: “United 123, cleared for takeoff, runway 27L”
- Taxi clearance: “United 123, taxi to runway 27L via taxiway Alpha”
- Runup clearance: “United 123, runup approved”
- Final clearance: “United 123, clear for takeoff, runway 27L”
Zayna looks out her window and sees that the plane has successfully taken off. She reaches into her bag and pulls out her earbuds so that she can drown out the incessant noise of the airplane. This silky, cream colored with pink and yellow flowers also contains the journal. She takes it out and begins to read.
Entry 2:
Something that makes me so sad is…
While she’s reading, Positive Light continues to watch her.
Agent Lee and Agent Lana
Agent Lee: Are you watching the girl?
Agent Lana: Yes, I am watching her. She has the journal, let’s go take it.
Agent Lee: Stand down Agent Lana, we can’t cause a scene. It could put her in even more danger.
Agent Lana sighs. Copy that. What are we going to do?
Agent Lee: We will wait until we land and follow her.
Agent Lana: Copy that.
Zayna continues reading until it is time to land in Cancun, Mexico. Zayna takes a taxi to the Riviera Maya resort. A bellhop escorts her to her room. Zayna puts her things away and goes down to the Elogia Mexicana Café for dinner. A friendly waitress comes to take her order.
Waitress: Hola soy Lupita boy aser su masera?
Zayna: Tacos.
Waitress: que he puedo servuir?
Zayna: Orange soda.
L de beber?
Chips and salsa
The waitress left to go put the order in.
Opal Syndicate and Positive Light are right outside, but Zayna doesn’t know it. An enchanting mariachi band comes over and start belting out La Cucaracha, followed by a waitress who makes fresh guacamole.
Opal Leader:
Alpha Team, let’s secure the perimeter around the pool and café. Zayna must be located in the café. We can get her when she runs out.
Opal Agent:
Copy that.
Alpha Leader:
Hold up. I have my sights on Zayna. She has the journal. Alpha Team, How do you read?
Opal Agent:
Affirmative, we see Zayna too.
Alpha Leader:
Cover all the exits. Don’t let her leave.
Opal Agent:
Understood. Initiating stealth approach to secure the exits of the café. We will intercept the journal from her.
Zayna started reading more of the journal while she waited for her food to cook.
Entry 2:
Something that makes me so sad is that there are so many people that reject Jesus because they don’t know the real Jesus-the real loving and compassionate Jesus. Some people have grown up with pastors and teachers using the Bible as a threat to discipline children. A lot of Christians don’t act like Christians and so they give a false impression of what Christianity is all about. We are supposed to be kind, loving, polite, not grouchy, judgy and sinful. Sure, I understand, we are all going to sin occasionally because we are not perfect, but there are some things we can do to help keep sins to a minimum. Obey the laws, wear your seatbelt, don’t speed, respect others, be kind. If we profess ourselves to be Christian, then we must do it all the way. People are going to be looking at us and if we exhibit a spirit of joy, especially if things are rough for us, people are going to start wondering why. But if we act like everyone else and don’t stand out among the crowd, they won’t see a reason to become a Christian. The whole gospel is a message of love, not judgement. We won’t reach others for Christ if we keep threatening eternal damnation will come upon them if they don’t relent and commit to God.
The real Jesus I know, loves everyone no matter what their skin tone, background, past. Someone may have been homeless or an addict in their life. So, what, what they are now is what matters. God doesn’t care about your past. He cares about your future. He wants to spend eternity with you. He wants to give you the free gift of salvation. Christianity is so simple. Some people try to over complicate it by telling you to commit to Christ and then gives you a list of rules to follow. That is not Christianity. Christianity is committing Christ to your heart, your mind and your life, and the rest follows naturally. Romans 10:9-16 NLT says,
[9] If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. [10] For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. [11] As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” [12] Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him. [13] For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” [14] But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? [15] And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” [16] But not everyone welcomes the Good News, for Isaiah the prophet said, “Lord, who has believed our message?”
People must be patient with people who are just learning. A baby doesn’t know how to run at 3 months old. If people who are just saved don’t have a role model, how WILL they know how to act like a Christian. The Bible is a guide, but do they know where to look? Do they have anyone to show them? When we reach others for Christ, it is not the end of the story. You have now adopted that person, and it is important to nurture them. A teacher in a podcast said, a shepherd protects the sheep by being in front of them, in between them and behind them. That is what we need to be. If we are going to reach others, then we need to shepherd them too.
You have now adopted that person and it is so important to nurture them. A teacher in a podcast said, A shepherd protects the sheep by being in front of them, in between them and behind them. This is what we need to be. This is what I Jessica, the author of this journal is trying to project. Be a guide, be a shepherd. Love others the way they are, not the way you think they should be. Jesus was a loving and patient teacher. We can be like Him when we commit ourselves to him and learn from him. Be compassionate, be loving, be merciful.
Zayna started eating her dinner when she was frightened by a member of Opal Syndicate sneaking up on her. She finished her bite, quickly took a sip of the orange soda and started running with the journal tucked safely in the cream colored silky bag.
Zayna! Give us the journal! A member of Opal Syndicate yells.
(The Chase begins)
Alpha Leader:
Give it up Zayna! We will retrieve the journal by force if we need to!
Opal Agent:
Make this easy on yourself. Just release the journal to us.
Alpha Leader:
We have to get that journal! We can’t let the message of God’s love and mercy getting out! It will turn people to God!
Did you succeed in getting the journal?
Opal Agent:
Negative. Target is still on the move.
Chapter 3:
Zayna knew that she couldn’t stay in Mexico any longer, so she boarded a plane back to the United States. She had to find a way to hide from Opal Syndicate forever. What she didn’t know is that Positive Light was already working on a plan to invite her into their protection. They had to find a way to get her to trust them.
More to come:
This will be read in the tent.
In the book called “Relentless, Because you were made for more” by Jennie Allen, she talks about a friend of hers that was arrested for an innocent, unintentional crime. She said the friend spent 4 hours in jail and while she was there an inmate said to her, “You glow! Why do you glow? That is how we should be. We should be glowing all the time because we love Jesus. We should be glowing because we spend time with God when we are not at church. Planet Fitness advertised that with their app, you can do exercises at home when you are not at the gym. The same can apply to us. There are lots of apps and I am not discounting them, but reading in the Bible is way more important than plans or Bible games. Reading the Bible teaches you about God-his character, his behaviors, how he approaches others. He didn’t go all over looking for people he could chastise. He looked for people he could love. He looked for people he wanted to show compassion and healing to. It became so popular, people were seeking him out. When was the last time you seeked God out? I know I am guilty of getting too busy. Sure, I do my Bible reading purposely, but spending quiet time in prayer, yeah, I’m pretty bad at that. I do my prayer in the morning, but, I would like to get better at having a special time of prayer.
How can you show people the right Jesus? How can you show people the God who cares? The God who loves, the God who saves? The God who doesn’t judge people by outside appearances, but by his relentless love? He is not a tyrant waiting to strike people down. He isn’t waiting for you to fix yourself up and then come to him, he wants you now, just as you are.
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