back from minnesota,getting back into routine, filming more episode 3, will edit performances, more to come
We had a nice time when we were in Minnesota. It was nice to visit family and see a lot of great places. We also got to do different things like go to a cowboy concert, visit a state park we haven't been to before, and we watched my parents square dance at the county fair-of course that is not something new.
At the state parks we were able get a lot of footage for episode 3. I have a much different idea for episode 3 then I did for episode 1 and 2. Of course I am very happy with the episodes one and two, but there are different things that I want to do for episode 3. For one thing instead of putting the Bible messages in this series, I'm going to make that a separate series and put that as a podcast like I have been doing, but in this case I won't have to separate it from the regular video. That will save a little bit of time I think, but also I just want to go a different way with episode 3. However episode 3 will have some footage from episodes 1 and 2. What is also different about episode 3 is that my mom is able to participate in it.
We found a new place today to visit for episode 3. And so we will be checking that out. See what we can get.
It's very exciting that I got to sing a solo at church in Minnesota and also a duet with my mom in Minnesota. And a concert in Stewartville, Minnesota. So I will be working on those videos as well.
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