friends can help sharpen you
Proverbs 27:17-20 NLT
[17] As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. [18] As workers who tend a fig tree are allowed to eat the fruit, so workers who protect their employer’s interests will be rewarded.
Proverbs 27:20 NLT
[20] Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied.
Friends, it is so important to be encouraging to others. We can really show the character of God when we show others love. It is always helpful to have people in your life that can teach you and maybe you can teach others. Ask God if there are any parts of your life that need to be sharpened. Please do not have an attitude of "This is what the Bible teaches so everyone, Christian or not, should follow this idea." We cannot reach others for Christ by pointing out their short comings. To do so is a very pious attitude.
Establish relationships when possible and then lovingly point out things you have learned. Follow the example of Jesus. Find sermons online to listen to. Engulf yourself in Christian teachings and music. Trust me, it will make a huge difference in your life. Are you a 100 percent Christian, or falling short a bit? Ask God to give you the courage you need to be completely surrendered to God. And God Bless You.
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