i hate social media

You wanna know why I hate social media? I have put myself into a situation where everything is complicated. So, if the day ever comes I need to get rid of it, I don't think I'll mind. If I could do it now I would. However, I will admit it's pretty cool that my bird video has 9.9 thousand views. That's incredible. I wonder what will happen when I post the deer? 

But it's always something that triggers these feelings. I couldn't post to mewe and didn't see an update button, so I uninstalled and reinstalled. Then it wouldn't accept my password, so I had to have them send me a link, which went to my Yahoo account. Yahoo wouldn't let me log in.. So they would send a code since I have two step verification, but it wouldn't come. Finally the code came and it would not accept it, so I had to keep trying. Finally it worked and I was able to reset my mewe password. I just hate social media. It's useless anyway. It's not like I really have any relationships anymore. People hardly post or if they do, it sporatic and not when I'm online. I'm perfectly happy not using social media, I mean, I think I need to be. I have to keep them on my phone, but I am going to try to keep using them less and less. 

And now with the church Instagram, I keep getting notifications that someone in another country is accessing the account. Nothing happens tho. Well, I have done all I can. I have changed passwords and made it so apps can't access my Facebook info. I'll have to see if I can still log into Yahoo. You would think all these apps would be separate, but for some reason I was logged out of Yahoo since then....

I ....hate ...social ....media. 

I turned on the Facebook thing with third app parties, because I noticed that I had to log into Yahoo yet again. But it didn't seem to make any difference. I turned it on and then I was able to log into Yahoo after putting in the stupid code. But then I went and turned off third party apps in Facebook. And I have been able to log into Yahoo, I will keep trying though. I really don't see what one has to do with the other. I also had to uninstall Yahoo and install it because I did not see an update. Well so far I still am able to log into Yahoo. And let's not forget that I also had to look for my password page and I also have to look for my old phone. So now hopefully we can have supper soon and I can forget all about the stupid social media thing. 

Thank you blogger for being awesome. 


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