Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

it's been a while...

It's been a while since I have posted here, I think it's mostly because I've just been so busy, but it's also because I really prefer to use talk to text, in the environment is not always conducive to that. But I have been posting lots of YouTube shorts on scriptures, however I've been taking a break now. Traffic has slowed down on those videos and I also just haven't really been inspired to do them. But I have been reading like normal. Right now I'm in 2nd Samuel 22. 

So yesterday morning was kind of a bad morning-I couldn't find my glasses and I was looking all over the place. It was really stressful because I feel like I had so many things that I needed to get done before we leave and I just didn't have time to lose my glasses. So that was frustrating, but I did finally find them in my trash can. I got a lot of cleaning done that morning and then I decided this since I had time I would sing my new song and get a audio recording of that so that I can listen to it and practice. So after I did that and edited it, the program-I didn't realize that I didn't pick where I wanted to go, and so it went to a folder that I didn't want it in. So I copied it to the folder that I did want it in, and then I wanted to delete the one that was not in the right folder and despite picking that one in particular, it deleted the entire folder of music.

 It did ask me that because it was too big to recycle did I want to delete it anyway, and of course I said yes. If I had been in a different state of mind, I might have been more wise. But the good news is that I think most of those files can be replaced. A lot of them were me playing my songs on the piano, and I believe they are posted on YouTube. Whatever ones I can't find I'll just have to do again. A lot of the other files were from pixabay, so those are easily replaced. I think there were some from band camp, so I should be able to replace those too. I did have one song from Randy that I really liked, but I believe I might still have the video of it. I had made an audio file from the video. So I'm hoping I still have the video, but if not I guess that's that. 

If I do a hunt, I might be able to find it again. So I'm thankful that it was this file and not another one because other ones would be much harder to replace. I'm not even exactly sure all that was in that folder, but I'm sure over time I will figure it out. When I'm making my videos and I need music, then I'll just figure out which ones are missing. However, I have been more interested in making my own music if possible, which is something I have always been interested in, but it has been very difficult for me to make music since I don't really have much training. However, with Phil's keyboard, I have been able to come up with some beautiful songs. And I think since A Passion for Jesus will be taking a break from the action part of it, I won't need dramatic music. I think it will need Phil to play pads again, but that's no problem he can do that. 

So I recently bought three different coffee things from Goodwill. One thing was a small carafe to replace the one that I broke for my small drip coffee maker, another thing was some very interesting object. It is a picture type thing but it has three filters in the middle. So I knew it would be awesome to make iced coffee. Because I always wanted to figure out something that would I could put ice in the middle and then I can make iced coffee faster than putting the coffee in the fridge and waiting for it took cool down. The last thing that I bought was a French press. So I've been using that. So far I haven't quite mastered it too well, because my coffee still tastes weak, but that's not necessarily a bad thing either. If it's maybe the caffeine isn't too strong. Either way this way I made way too much, because I'm still trying to figure out how to use it, so I won't be finishing this cup. 

We are getting ready to go to Minnesota. It's going to be a very interesting time. I found an audiobook for us to listen to on the way. It's called A lion called Christian. It is so good and funny. 

We have many plans to film different parts of A Passion for Jesus. I have camping types supplies and I bought a army uniform to wear. I also want to do a music video and so I bought a dress from Amazon. I haven't tried it on yet but I'm hoping that it fits at least good enough for this video. But the army uniform is what I will be wearing when I am hiking the trails and fishing. Oh I need to remember to pack my hat too. I'll be bringing two hats one my normal this is my channel hat, In which case sometime I'm going to make another one because the image didn't turn out all that great, but it works. But I will be bringing an army hat as well. I did want a bag,but I didn't find one yet. So I'm going to check the thrift stores there. 

I recently did something for Google. And so they gave me a reward. 

I believe that's all for now. See you later. 
