Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

one sided people

There is one thing I've been noticing about a lot of people, not everyone, but a couple of people in particular, that seem to have a one-sided attitude. I'm not exactly sure yet if it's just my imagination, or just being sensitive, but I really, really feel like when I tell news that I have, it's not acknowledged at all. I feel like it's not supported at all. I feel like they think that whatever they're doing is more important than whatever I'm doing. So it makes me feel like whatever I feel doesn't matter. So it makes me want to do the same. In the past this is what it was like, and If I did the same thing back they would accuse me of being selfish. Well, I have two feelings right now. One is I am just not going to share anything and the other is what happens if I don't acknowledge what they say? What happens if I just ignore their messages?

It is really, really discouraging. 
