Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

being a president is a black job

I had no idea that being a president was a black job. 
I must have missed something when I was growing up and learning about presidential candidates in school. I thought we only had one black one. Or I guess the more politically correct terminology is dark skin president. But apparently according to Mrs Obama, a president job is a black job. 

Convention’s most emphatic takedowns of former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday night and turned one of his most controversial campaign lines against him: “Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs’?” she said.

Mrs. Obama, a reluctant campaigner, enthralled a packed arena in Chicago with a convention appearance that lent firepower to Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. She offered support and praise for Ms. Harris, but focused much of her nearly 20-minute speech squarely on Mr. Trump, mocking his past comments, his background and his behavior, while mostly avoiding naming him.
Read this and more on the New York Times website: us/politics/michelle-obama-dnc-speech.html

Harris has stated that Gen z is stupid I mean we have to put them in dormitories. She has said that she can take away patents if she has the will and she has the will. She wants to take over the patents of pharmaceuticals. She wants to give everyone $25,000 to buy a house. That means that everyone's going to charge $25,000 more when they sell the house and not only that but the $25,000 will be considered income and they will have to pay taxes on it. And she has stated that it is an investment that they will make good on, they meaning the government. She also wants to not have tips taxed. Harris wants to give everyone the right to abort their baby. 
People want to vote for her just because she's a woman and black. That's so stupid because if she can't do the job then you're hiring somebody that is not qualified to do the job. I don't care what race people are, but they need to be able to do the job. Her policies are just not going to add up. 
The comment that Mrs. Obama made at the DNC convention is going to divide people even more because we already have a big division between white and black people and now she's setting up the stage to divide it even more.

When Trump was president we had a more secure border, the economic status of the country was better, and we were producing our own oil.

Harris wants open borders, which means anybody can come across the country without being vetted. She wants to take our guns away. She doesn't believe in the second amendment. Can you imagine? Anybody can come across the border and we don't have guns the defend ourselves, does that sound suspicious to anyone? She wants a universal government funded healthcare system. When Obama was president he implemented Obamacare, and the website crashed the first day and yet Harris is criticizing because when Trump did an interview on X, the website crashed. Obama implemented a healthcare system that was destined to fail on purpose because some of the Democrats are shooting for a universal healthcare system, which is basically communism. Time and time again it has been that communism doesn't work. It is going to be a mess after the election whoever is chosen. That's why we have to rely on God. If you look at history throughout the Bible many kings have been bad and a few have been good. It's not any different now with our presidents. As a whole, a lot of people in the nation have gone away from a high standard of living. This is proof that when we are left to our own devices, chaos will ensue. There are cases in the Bible where people have chosen to go back to God. It is so much better with God. We can have a higher standard of living when we connect to God. So, it will all come out in the end. 
