don't let the lies take over your life

The mind is a very powerful thing. It believes what it is told, especially when it is told over and over. Never criticize yourself, because you do not need to do that. Don't believe the lie. For every criticism, whatever bad thing you say about yourself, write down 3 good things about yourself. It can be anything, even if it's silly. You don't need to share with anyone. It can be your secret. When you tell someone something that you do in your life, include a detail that shows you have purpose. 
I have a YouTube channel, I have 979 subscribers. People might think you're bragging, but you are NOT. You are saying, I have a YouTube channel that means a lot to me and I have 979 subscribers. If you say, I have a YouTube channel, people will automatically assume you have at least 5 subscribers and you post every 3 to 4 months. 
I have an online ministry and I spread the gospel through videos and podcasts. I give all the credit to God. 
One thing that really bothers me is when people assume that I only know how to do something because of someone else, as if I don't have the ability to learn on my own. They are insulting my intelligence.
It's really important to act confident around others, especially those that don't know you. Hold your head up high. I matter, you say to yourself. I'm important, you say to yourself. I am worthy of being acknowledged, you say to yourself. If you read this this far, congratulations! You have an attention span longer than most. We live in a TikTok world. Everything has to be 30 seconds. Let's change this. Let's show people, I have time for you. I will listen. I will try to remember what you tell me and I will follow up, or if I don't remember, I'll ask. Purposely listen to others so they know they matter. Have you noticed it seems there is an increase in shootings? What would change if people were taught and shown a different way? 
You matter, I matter, everyone matters.


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