Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

happy thursday

Hello everyone. It's been a while since I posted. I've been a little busy with the other social medias that I know you all know I do not like, but they are a necessary evil I guess. At least I can turn the evil into good by posting scriptures and whatnot..
Maybe now I can take a little break and just focus on my blog. It is 8:16 a.m. on December 12th, 2024. I'm waiting a bit then I will I drink my tea and then I will go up and finish editing my latest podcast. Sometimes I watch people on YouTube make videos that are like a TV show and I wish I could do that, but I guess I need to focus on what I can do. I have done things similar to that though so I can be thankful and proud of that. I guess right now I'm more focused on doing ministry videos and delivering messages like a minister. Hopefully I can keep fine tuning that. I think one thing that is hard is that you know we get the lights all set up and everything looks great and then we have to take the lights away and put them somewhere else for a different scene in the night to figure out how to put the lights back where they were again. I do think I have a picture that I need to start looking at to help me remember where they go. I also need to start figuring out how to work on the floor where they go. Guess it would be nice to have x's that are Velcro and then I can velcro them on the floor where they need to go. 
But anyway, when I finish my tea I will go and finish the video and then go to work.
