Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

happy valentine's day

Phil and I didn't have a whole lot of plans for this evening but we did get a massage and now we're going to get Chinese food to eat at home. I think tonight will be a nice relaxing evening. This weekend I am hoping to continue to get the website completed and more tapes transferred, plus I really need to get caught up on my class. But I do want to make sure that I have some rest time in between that as well. The podcast that I'm working on called trapped in darkness is going to have to be on the back burner for just a bit. The website really needs to get done before Tuesday when we have our board meeting. The tapes are not too much of a rush because he gave me until March to get it done, but I will keep working on it as much as possible. Phil did get me some really cute things and useful things for Valentine's Day. I didn't really get him anything but I did send him an e-card and made waffles this morning. It's hard to think of what to get a guy for Valentine's Day. 
I did make a new blog for my Drips messages. I did make a couple of posts with the messages and YouTube links, but since they are less than 30 seconds, I should be able to post them directly to the blog. The address for the blog is 
It would be great to have subscribers to that blog, but I don't know how popular blogs are anymore. Either way I am having fun lol. 
