Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

progress on the website and transferring tapes

 I have made a ton of progress, I think, on the website for Windsong Pictures. I have a lot of icons linked to the social media sites, and eliminated the items we do not require. 

I just love this new transferring software I have. It makes transferring tapes so easy. It is so easy that I can use my movie editing software to remove black backgrounds and burn to DVD. 

Now, I must get my lunch packed and get ready to go to work. I need to work early today so I can get done early. I have a ton of videos ready to be posted on YouTube showcasing the Monster Truck and Motocross shows we attended. 

I am still on my social media fast. This is the best social media site, in my opinion. I can customize everything the way I want, with some limitations of course, but way more than any other social media site can offer and I don't have to worry about running into unclean content creators. I can make a playlist of my content to make it easy to find a post. I will only post my videos to social media from now on.
