Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

writing class-what I have learned so far-lesson 1

 I have just started a writing class through Purdue University. 

The first lesson has been explaining what goes into writing a story. As per the Greeks, we have adopted the strategy used by them when it comes to compiling a story. 

Act 1, Act 2, Act 3

First, the hook. 

Second, the backstory.

Third, the trigger.

Act 2 contains:

Crisis, struggle, epiphany

Act 3 contains:

Plan, Climax, Ending

I don't want to write too many details on this blog since I paid for this course, and the teacher might not want too many details given out for free. Hopefully, what I have written is not much different than most can pick up their own simply by watching plays. 


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