Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.


Last Saturday we found out we had bedbugs. We've been in the process of eliminating them. We believe we have the problem contained, but still taking precautions. This morning I plan to vacuum in the room again and the mattress again and the box spring again. I also plan to put away my towels so that I can use the basket for my clothes. 

We first started putting baking soda all around because that kills them. Then we went to Lowe's and got some spray and powder and sticky things that are designed to kill them. So I have to be vacuumed and take care of them then we started putting the powder all over. Then we just continue to monitor and back in spray the aerosol all around. We've also removed everything except the bed, but we did take the bed apart. So after we feel like the problem is completely contained, we will take the zippered encasement bags and put the box spring and mattress in the encasement bags. The encasement bags are designed to contain the bed bugs in case there are eggs that hatch. So if we find that we still have some we will have to consider something else, but I'm pretty confident that we took care of it. It will be 6 to 8 weeks done before we can move back into the bedroom or maybe even longer who knows. We have our belongings that we want to keep in bags in the garage. I think when it gets warmer out I will take the bags out on the driveway and go through them and see if there's any danger of bringing that stuff back into the room. Unless at that time we have a different plan- I don't know. 
Yesterday while I was vacuuming I burned sage incense. I also sprayed baby powder all over because that also kills them.  I do believe that the presence of bugs in the house like that are of demonic presence, so the sage will kick them out as well as prayer. For Lent I gave up making movies and checking social media, and I have been engrossing myself in sermons. 
This morning when I checked, I did not see any dead ones. So I think we will be in good shape. But like I said we're going to continue to monitor and vacuum. 
