
Showing posts with the label Exercise

Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

Gym Time!

  Watch the video here I really enjoy getting exercise. I think it's really important for health to get exercise. It makes a big difference in the overall mental health too.  Being out of shape can really have an impact on the joints and bones. 

Don't succumb to age related stereotypes

I've heard of people accepting certain circumstances because of their age. We don't have to accept certain things at certain ages because a doctor or media says you have to. We can't expect that at a certain age we're going to have the same medical problems as others at that age. We can start immediately demanding a different outcome.  Eat healthy foods, get plenty of exercise and fresh air and take time to relax and you can beat the circumstances that experts claim you might have at a certain age. You don't have to get vaccines just because they say so. You don't have to get tests just because they say so.  You don't have to settle for a sedentary lifestyle just because you've retired. Stay active, build muscle and bone mass. You can defeat the pre-determined age related diseases and conditions. Some people even in their young age have these problems because they don't follow a healthy lifestyle and not only that, but they...