Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

Day 2 of Music Camp

The quarter note is equal to 2 eighth notes-half of one beat. Quarter note equals 4 1/16 notes
Half note equals 8 1/8 notes
Half note equals four quarter notes
Half note equals 8/ 1/16 notes
We spent a majority of 9 am and the noon hour studying notes. We not only did exercises , but 3 videos were chosen. 

Then we had a break and we watched an episode of Andy Griffith where Barney was in the choir and Gomer got his solo. Then we had an intense singing practice session. We sang 1 song 3 times, another song 3 times and the last one once. Then we had a snack. 
Now it's over for today. 
