
Showing posts from March, 2024

a passion for Jesus bts shots


easter sunday at church

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Jesus did a tremendous thing for us. He took our sins to Hell so that we would not have to take them there ourselves. We are so blessed that Jesus did that sacrifice for us. We need to live our lives always thankful to God for what he did for us. The the world teaches that in order to have peace you need to have money and earthly possessions, but God teaches that you only need him. I can see how it would be hard for people to believe that Jesus exists or died for our sins. I think one thing that makes the difference is the joy that people feel when they commit their life to God. Even when we go through hard times, I think it's more difficult when people don't have God. There is just so much joy with God. One thing I really love about Jesus is that he loves everyone no matter what background they come from or what color of skin they have, or they have a lot of money that they have a little money and it doesn't matter Jesus loves everyone ...

gods gracious throne is available to each of us

Maundy Thursday: We come to Jesus with humble hearts and go back to the basics of Christianity. Christianity is about showing love and support to everyone, including those that we know personally. We can let down our guards and join others in an act of compassion and humility.  Back then, it was an honor to have the feet washed by the host of the house, because they wore sandals and feet got really dirty. Honestly, it's a good practice for sanitation as well. We always take our shoes off after entering the house.  Hebrews 4:11 short And if you think about it, it's a great way to get rid of shame. We can put away our old ways and be cleansed by the water, just like Christ cleansed us when he died for our sins on the cross.  It is Good Friday today-4-22-24 Some believe this is the day Jesus died on the cross, but it isn't. He died on a Wednesday. But this is the day we acknowledge it. At 1 pm we will have a church service.  Since God has lavished his me...

church day today and it's st patrick's day

Church will begin in 1.5 hours.  I don't know if I will work on videos much today, but I do want to record the centerpiece for my virtual table. I have completed the order for Kevin, but I still need to finalize everything. After I do that, then he can pick up his order.  I should be able to finish chapter 3 of Why I Am A Christian soon and then I can focus on my exciting new series called "A Passion for Jesus."   For that, I need to record separate videos of my warrior looks.  (Check the label A Passion for Jesus to see my other warrior look.) I also need to work on my new intro. I've been working on music for it. I have one possible song that I'll use. Plus I have a new one for under music.  1. Warriors 2. Record cave scene with props in background, books, cups, candle holders, Brenda and Phil will do background vocals.  3. Record reading chapter 1 from the journal with background items, these items will have to be different from cave sce...

filmed chapter 3 of Why I Am A Christian

This morning we filmed chapter 3 of my book, "Why I Am A Christian." I thought it went pretty well.  I plan to post it as soon as possible. The parts are edited, but now I'm going to color it. I think it's nice to talk about stuff like this because it puts the current life into perspective. It seems like these days, so many things are better than they were. Church is better, marriage is better, relationship with God is better. Tomorrow is Friday, March 15th. If it is ready, I'll post it then.  Now I will start putting together the other scenes for the upcoming book called "A Passion for Jesus." I am so excited for this new series. I'm taking a different approach on my videos now.  Instead of doing them pastoral style, which I did very much enjoy, I'm going to do a different style of sharing how God is working in my life and what I have learned. For instance, chapter one of the new series will be talking about how I approac...

3-14-24 crawling through the bible

3-13-24 vlog 3-13-24 Cleaning house-company coming April 7th to watch eclipse.  3-13-24 cleaning house

what is the trinity?

It is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They are one God, not 3. The Trinity is not parts that make up God, they are one part. God is the creator of all things. Matthew 28:19 says that we're to be baptized into God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  There are many, many Bible verses that prove that God is the Father. Galatians 1:3, Ephesians 5:20, 2 Corinthians 11:31, Colossians 1:3, Ephesians 6:23, Ephesians 1:3, 1 Thessalonians 1:1 and many more. The Trinity consists of 3 persons. They are God himself. Come join the conversation on  Discord  . 

sunday morning worship time

Phil and I are once again going to lead worship. I'm usually not nervous, but since we are doing a new song, I'm a little anxious. But I trust God. I did have a little trouble sleeping last night. When I was first going to go to sleep, our neighbors were noisy. One was coming home and another car was in the way, so he honked and went in to get him to move his car. Then the car that had to move, went back into place.  So, I'm sure everything will be fine. I've been listening to the songs we're going to do a lot. Well, 2 of them anyway. The 3rd is Amazing Grace, so that's pretty familiar. The others are as follows:  Come to the Table by Sidewalk Prophets Forever by Chris Tomlin So all for the glory of God. 

praise the lord people are interested in learning about jesus

I had a contest on my YouTube channel Heart of Tamara and someone won two times. That person has asked me to start Bible studies on Avakin Life.  So the first lesson I plan to do will be about the Trinity. We will first start talking about the first part of the Trinity, the Father. The Father is God. I am going to look up information that points to the Trinity. First I will look up Bible verses that support it. I just can't think of anything off the top of my head right now. I do remember the Lord's Prayer though. Our Father Who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name, the kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against them, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver Us from evil for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen. 

filmed a scene for the upcoming series called A Passion for Jesus_here are behind the scenes shots

You can view a teaser here:  A Passion for Jesus sword scene

new song is coming along nicely

I've been working on the music that will go under the talking for the upcoming new series called "A Passion for Jesus." This will be an audiobook that will be on my YouTube channel Heart of Tamara.  A Passion for Jesus Audiobook Series is a collection of short essays that come from the heart of Tamara, hence the name change to "Heart of Tamara." "Heart of Tamara" is a title that goes back to 2007-2008ish years of playing Second Life. In trying different things to try to find a direction, one group that was made on the platform was called "Heart of Tamara." It was to reach many people who suffered rejection and give them a chance to know they matter at least to one person, well, maybe 2, because God loves them as well. We hope this series will touch your heart and let you see the love of God through them.  Let's be Friends! Links

improved vertigo due to chiropractic appointment

I went to the chiropractor this morning. My vertigo should be gone now. I like monster energy drinks, but I do know that it is best to be careful with them, but I was also drinking kombucha. I was unknowingly having too much caffeine, so, I think that combined with the fact that it was time for an adjustment, that is what was causing the vertigo. I normally drink a good amount of water each day, but was slacking as of late. I will be reducing servings of each beverage and I should be fine from now on.  I'm at prayer at church. We haven't started yet. I'm waiting for their exercise class to be over.  I've been playing on the keyboard again. I do believe that I have found a song that will work for my upcoming video. I think it's very beautiful. I did a recording, but I would like to record it again when I have more time. After work today, I will do it again while I transfer a tape for Kevin.  Stay focused on Jesus. Nothing else on earth can giv...

random thoughts at the gym

I've started working on a background image for an upcoming video. It features a cozy cafe library, coffee machine, and a couple of chairs. I plan to record my video in the booth in the basement, and then make this my background. This image doesn't contain the special effects that will be in the final video.  Social media links I saw a girl at the gym with a T-shirt that read "Getting' piggy with it." 😄😄  I have been working on original background music. It is drone type of music on a keyboard. I do like some parts to the song, but for the sake of this video, I think it shouldn't have the right hand high keys. I will try another video I have. This is really fun. I've always wanted to make my own music, but never could until Phil gave me this keyboard.  I love my Avakin Life avatar.  A Passion for Jesus Audiobook Series Let's Connect! Tamara Chaos is an Ordained Minister /Coffee Lover/Singer/Former Martial Artist/Actress Videos ...

in the end by linkin park cover song

  You can listen here:  Watch Here

A Passion for Jesus

A Passion for Jesus Audiobook Series Tamara Chaos YouTube channel Link: Tamara Chaos is an Ordained Minister /Coffee Lover/Singer/Former Martial Artist/Actress Videos will be announced.  A Passion for Jesus Audiobook Series is a collection of short essays that come from the heart of Tamara, hence the name change to "Heart of Tamara." "Heart of Tamara" is a title that goes back to 2007-2008ish years of playing Second Life. In trying different things to try to find a direction, one group that was made on the platform was called "Heart of Tamara." It was to reach many people who suffered rejection and give them a chance to know they matter at least to one person, well, maybe 2, because God loves them as well. We hope this series will touch your heart and let you see the love of God through them.  DROPS was an American weekly show talking about different topics of the Bible. 2023 is the beginning of the first season. The first episode ai...

Christmas concert will be December 25th at 7 pm EST

We have a great lineup of songs for you. 1. I Speak Jesus (Charity Gayle)  2. In the Darkness (Tamara Chaos)  3. What Child is This?  4. Missing Pages (Seventh Day Slumber)  5. No Hopeless Soul (Stephen Stanley)  Christmas is all about hope and so the songs we have chosen are based on hope. Hope is only found in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the light shining in the darkness waiting to show you the way to eternal life. 

feeling better today

I was feeling vertigo yesterday (3-1-24), but today I'm much better. I think it was highly due to dehydration. I didn't drink as much water as normal. I also got a massage which helped a lot too. The exercise teacher gave me an essential oil to put behind my ears and I think that helped too.  This is my Avakin outfit today.  So I'm trying to see what I want to do today after we do my normal things. I think I don't have videos to work on until after I record chapter 3 of "Why I Am a Christian." I'll probably do that Thursday. I want to do it at the coffee shop.  Then I'll start working on the series I'm really excited about called "A Passion for Jesus." It seems like people are listening to the audiobook I put together called "DROPS Season 2," which is most of the videos from Season 2 concised and put into one video. You can listen to it here:  Season 2 of DROPS Yesterday's outfit on Avakin...

feeling so dizzy today

I woke up this morning dizzy. I have never been this dizzy. I am going to move my chiropractor appointment up earlier and this afternoon, luckily I have a massage scheduled. I have been doing just real light exercises at the gym. Slow walking on the treadmill and went in the sauna for a short time.  I do think it is helping. I will be eating lunch very soon. That might help too.  I have made some updates to my YouTube channel. Rather than having past episodes be A passion for Christ audiobooks 1 and 2, I will label those what they are, DROPS seasons 1 and 2. And I will start a new audiobook series called A Passion for Christ.  So all in all there will be 3 audiobooks:  1.DROPS 2.Why I Am a Christian 3. A Passion for Christ