
Showing posts from July, 2024

Thoughts From My Kitchen Table

Random thoughts that come to my mind, plus updates of my endeavors.

i hate social media

You wanna know why I hate social media? I have put myself into a situation where everything is complicated. So, if the day ever comes I need to get rid of it, I don't think I'll mind. If I could do it now I would. However, I will admit it's pretty cool that my bird video has 9.9 thousand views. That's incredible. I wonder what will happen when I post the deer?  But it's always something that triggers these feelings. I couldn't post to mewe and didn't see an update button, so I uninstalled and reinstalled. Then it wouldn't accept my password, so I had to have them send me a link, which went to my Yahoo account. Yahoo wouldn't let me log in.. So they would send a code since I have two step verification, but it wouldn't come. Finally the code came and it would not accept it, so I had to keep trying. Finally it worked and I was able to reset my mewe password. I just hate social media. It's useless anyway. It's not like I really have any relat...

drag queens perform the lord's supper at the 2024 summer olympics in paris

Phil and I heard that there were drag queens that mocked the Lord's supper at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France. So when we started watching the ceremony, we kept that in mind and kept looking for it. We watched almost 4 hours and still did not see this performance.  So we thought maybe we missed it. So we googled and googled until we found information as to when exactly was this drag queen show. We finally found where it was and found that we had already watched and did not find it offensive at all. There are some articles that say that the artist meant to mock the Lord's supper, but in our opinion he did a very poor job and so we did not see this at all.  We saw a lady with a blue dress and some kind of sparkly pointy thing on her head and she had a DJ booth in front of her, other people were sitting on the same side as her when it first started, but then I went into the fashion show and there were people on each side doing different kind of d...

the ark of the covenant finally has a home that is permanent

1 Chronicles 23:24-26 NLT [24] These were the descendants of Levi by clans, the leaders of their family groups, registered carefully by name. Each had to be twenty years old or older to qualify for service in the house of the Lord. [25] For David said, “The Lord, the God of Israel, has given us peace, and he will always live in Jerusalem. [26] Now the Levites will no longer need to carry the Tabernacle and its furnishings from place to place.”

one sided people

There is one thing I've been noticing about a lot of people, not everyone, but a couple of people in particular, that seem to have a one-sided attitude. I'm not exactly sure yet if it's just my imagination, or just being sensitive, but I really, really feel like when I tell news that I have, it's not acknowledged at all. I feel like it's not supported at all. I feel like they think that whatever they're doing is more important than whatever I'm doing. So it makes me feel like whatever I feel doesn't matter. So it makes me want to do the same. In the past this is what it was like, and If I did the same thing back they would accuse me of being selfish. Well, I have two feelings right now. One is I am just not going to share anything and the other is what happens if I don't acknowledge what they say? What happens if I just ignore their messages? It is really, really discouraging. 

vbs is over for this year

July 21st, was the first day of VBS this year. Phil and I had a good time doing that. We took a lot of videos and I am going to put together a highlight video that we can showcase on Sunday. That way people can see what the kids were up to and what they learned. They can also experience the music that they learned. It was fun this year- I think better than last year. This year we were able to interact with members of the church that we normally don't get to interact with. So I think that was really nice.

sing praises to him

1 Chronicles 16:9-10 NLT [9] Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. [10] Exult in his holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord. Yes! Boasting about God is so amazing. Does anyone have any stories to share? I'll start. God has been able to bless me with not only this ministry, but my YouTube ministry as well. My videos don't always get a lot of views, but that is ok because the channel is not mine, it's God's channel, just like pastors are not owners of their churches. It's all a learning process and I am really happy with how God has been able to help me learn how to film and edit my videos.  The ones I have shared recently I really love haha. I could never have done those on my own-only with God's help. 

friends can help sharpen you

Be Encouraging to Others Proverbs 27:17-20 NLT [17] As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. [18] As workers who tend a fig tree are allowed to eat the fruit, so workers who protect their employer’s interests will be rewarded. Proverbs 27:20 NLT [20] Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied. God Will Take Care Of You Friends, it is so important to be encouraging to others. We can really show the character of God when we show others love. It is always helpful to have people in your life that can teach you and maybe you can teach others. Ask God if there are any parts of your life that need to be sharpened. Please do not have an attitude of "This is what the Bible teaches so everyone, Christian or not, should follow this idea." We cannot reach others for Christ by pointing out their short comings. To do so is a very pious attitude. Psalm 24 (Still Waters)  Establish relationships when possible and then lovi...

there is no doubt that things will be fulfilled when we rely on the true saviour/a miracle of feeding more people than possible

Have you ever given a family dinner and worried if you planned enough food for the people that were going to be in attendance? This is always and ever present problem when it comes to Thanksgiving dinners. Many people worry that there won't be enough food, the table isn't set pretty enough, will there be enough chairs?  A lot of this is meaningless. What's important is family coming together. In these verses you can see that there was no worries to be needed because God had a plan in place to have enough food. Just before this in the last chapter, there was enough oil because the oil kept coming until they ran out of pots to put it in. This is why it's so important to just read the Bible on your own and just embrace all the scriptures. Going on Sunday morning is not enough. It's just not enough. One day a week is just not enough.  2 Kings 4:43-44 NLT [43] “What?” his servant exclaimed. “Feed a hundred people with only this?” But Elisha repeated, “Give it to the peo...

back from minnesota,getting back into routine, filming more episode 3, will edit performances, more to come

We had a nice time when we were in Minnesota. It was nice to visit family and see a lot of great places. We also got to do different things like go to a cowboy concert, visit a state park we haven't been to before, and we watched my parents square dance at the county fair-of course that is not something new.  At the state parks we were able get a lot of footage for episode 3. I have a much different idea for episode 3 then I did for episode 1 and 2. Of course I am very happy with the episodes one and two, but there are different things that I want to do for episode 3. For one thing instead of putting the Bible messages in this series, I'm going to make that a separate series and put that as a podcast like I have been doing, but in this case I won't have to separate it from the regular video. That will save a little bit of time I think, but also I just want to go a different way with episode 3. However episode 3 will have some footage from episodes 1 and 2. What is also diff...

a passion for jesus chapters 1, 2 and starting 3

                        A Passion for Jesus Zayna looks over her shoulder to see if anyone is following her. It’s been a rough ordeal. She’s been on the run for months, trying to escape the throes of Opal Syndicate. Oh, where to begin about Opal Syndicate? They have a mission to eliminate every source of the gospel message. They don’t want anyone hearing the saving message of the gospel. The gospel that can save lives. The gospel that loves. The gospel that shows love, not condemnation. So, they plan to destroy every Bible and any other publication. But the power of God is strong. The power of God can defeat any foe. The faith of a mustard seed is all one needs to be successful. Zayna  will trust God to see her safe. Chapter 1: Nestled deep in the Acacia Woods is a cave taken over by a Christian group called Positive Light. They are a pro-Christian group that is dedicated to spreading the gospel. Zayna stumbled upo...

tesla truck sighting on hwy 90 and new mountain dews

Image It's been a pretty uneventful journey, which is a good thing. We listened to the audiobook called A Lion Named Christian and it was quite interesting. It is very interesting to hear such a funny, engaging tale about taking a lion from Kenya and raising him in England, then reintroducing him to Kenya so he can live a normal lion life.  We did see a Tesla truck on our journey. Check it out on YouTube:  Tesla Truck looks Stealthy We also stopped and got the new mountain dews they came out with-Infinite Swirl and Baja Point Break Punch. These two are only available at 7-11's, so we stopped in Valparaiso, Indiana to get them.  It's a Beautiful Day Lots of Farmland

it's been a while...

It's been a while since I have posted here, I think it's mostly because I've just been so busy, but it's also because I really prefer to use talk to text, in the environment is not always conducive to that. But I have been posting lots of YouTube shorts on scriptures, however I've been taking a break now. Traffic has slowed down on those videos and I also just haven't really been inspired to do them. But I have been reading like normal. Right now I'm in 2nd Samuel 22.  So yesterday morning was kind of a bad morning-I couldn't find my glasses and I was looking all over the place. It was really stressful because I feel like I had so many things that I needed to get done before we leave and I just didn't have time to lose my glasses. So that was frustrating, but I did finally find them in my trash can. I got a lot of cleaning done that morning and then I decided this since I had time I would sing my new song and get a audio recording of that so that I c...