election interference is highly probable/vote early to make sure your vote counts

For the first time ever, Phil and I are thinking about voting early. There seems to be a very high probability of election interference, just like in 2020. 
There is a social media account called White Dudes for Harris  that are more than likely planning a way to jack up elections this year and ensure Harris and Walz a win. Harris and Walz are pro-Palastine, which is only going to result in dividing the country even more than it already is. Walz, who is the governor of Minnesota, passed a law that forces schools to put tampons in boy's bathrooms and that kids should be allowed to have sex changes despite parent's objections. Both Harris and Walz want to ban assault weapons. Biden says if Trump loses, there won't be a peaceful transition. Kamala refuses to talk to the press. It seems like her whole presidential career has been in the shadows. When she landed, she talked to Girl Scouts, but not the press. 

Walz has claimed that he was in the military and was in combat.  He is lying about his military experience. It's a violation of the valor act. Vance completely calls out Walz with his supposed service in the military. This is why it's important to stay above anything that can cause scrunity later on in life. 

Walz spent 24 years in the National Guard, rising to command sergeant major, one of the top ranks for an enlisted soldier. He left the Guard in 2005, months before the battalion he led was notified that they were to be deployed to Iraq. Walz previously said his decision to retire was due to him deciding to run for Congress.

Vance served in the Marine Corps for four years, although he never saw combat. He served as combat correspondent in Iraq between August 2005 and February 2006.

But you know if you read all through 1 and 2 Chronicles and other books of the Bible-there are many kings who declined to follow the Lord and instead worshipped other gods. It's not much different with these presidents-their god is themselves. They are addicted to power, just like the bad kings of the Bible. God will win in the end. 

This article lays it out: 

By Dan De Luce
U.S. intelligence agencies are closely tracking attempts by foreign adversaries to influence the 2024 election through “deepfakes” or other false information and are ready to alert the public if necessary, officials said Wednesday. 

A decision to notify the public about attempted election interference by foreign actors would be up to the leaders of the country’s intelligence agencies, including intelligence chief Avril Haines, officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, or ODNI, told reporters.


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